Category: Uncategorized

September 30, 2019 Sharon Grant, Menopause, Health & Life

  Creatine (Cr) is a naturally occurring substance in the body (made from the amino acids arginine, glycine and methionine) and it is found primarily (95%) in muscle cells and the brain.  It is also an effective supplement for overall health and well-being.  It has great impact on both athletic performance and health.  It  helps…

March 25, 2019 Sharon Grant, Menopause, Health & Life

  Hyaluronic acid (HA) is also called hyaluronan.  It is a polysaccharide found in most of the bodies’ cells. the body makes HA by using an enzyme called hyaluronic acid synthase to combine two sugars, D-glucuronic acid and N-acetyl glucosamine.  There are foods that either provide small amounts of HA, or the building blocks of…

March 25, 2019 Sharon Grant, Menopause, Health & Life

Omega three and six fatty acids and how they impact on health, including autoimmune diseases, bone health, eye site, heart disease, menstrual issues, skin, fatty liver, weight gain/obesity (including metabolic syndrome) inflammation (including cancer) and mental health (anxiety, depression) sleep hygene, and cognitive decline/dementia). Omega 3 oils used to be abundant in our diets, available…

December 8, 2018 Sharon Grant, Menopause, Health & Life

Light therapy, sometimes called photo-therapy or photo-biomodulation, has been shown to be useful for maintaining health and well being. It is also a useful tool in recovering from several different conditions, including the following: treating and preventing dermatitis, healing wounds, nerve regeneration (including optical nerves), repairing peripheral nerve damage, preventing oral mucositis, healing venous ulcers,…

November 26, 2018 Sharon Grant, Menopause, Health & Life

Skin health and appearance is improved with light therapy. Skin responds well to near-infrared and red wavelengths of light (including low level laser therapy). Red and near infrared-light effect skin at the cellular level, causing cells to regenerate, survive (when they would otherwise die), and proliferate as well as galvanize tissue repair. The mitochondrial chromophores…

July 30, 2018 Sharon Grant, Menopause, Health & Life

Omega three fatty acids and how they impact health: including autoimmune diseases, bone health, eye health, heart disease, menstrual problems, skin, fatty liver disease, weight gain/obesity (including metabolic syndrome), inflammation (including cancer), and mental health problems (anxiety, depression, sleep hygiene, and cognitive decline/dementia). Omega 3s are very important to health. For instance, DHA is found…

July 30, 2018 Sharon Grant, Menopause, Health & Life

  Omega six fatty acids and omega three atty acids and how they impact health: including autoimmune diseases, bone health, eye sight, heart disease, menstrual issues, skin, fatty liver, weight gain/obesity (including metabolic syndrome), inflammation (including cancer), and mental health (anxiety, depression, sleep hygiene, and cognitive decline/dementia). Omega 6 fatty acids are found in many foods…

May 22, 2018 Sharon Grant, Menopause, Health & Life

Float therapy, also called restrictive environmental stimulation therapy (REST), is considered to be an alternative treatment in North America for physical and psychological problems.  Interestingly, it is accepted as a medical treatment in some European countries (13). Float/REST involves lying in an isolation tank filled with body temperature water and 1000 pounds of Epsom salt….

May 18, 2018 Sharon Grant, Menopause, Health & Life

Iron Deficient Anemia is a condition up to one third of woman may suffer from. Women who are moving into menopause are more likely to become anemic (3). Anemia effects cognitive or thought process. It impacts attention, learning, and intellectual ability. This is partly due to iron’s effects on memory (long term, short-term, and working…

May 18, 2018 Sharon Grant, Menopause, Health & Life

Hot flashes, night sweats, and sleep disturbances, are also  known as vasomotor symptoms, and they are due to changes in female sex hormones. When this happens, a woman may experience difficulty sleeping, insomnia or waking in the night, as well as sweating and hot flashes.Insomnia may increase during perimenopause, due to hormonal fluctuations altering circadian…